Tips for enjoying a music festival

Music festivals are a wonderful way to share live music with your friends. You can treat it as a vacation away from home, and most often enjoy camping. Music festivals are best done in the summer and warm weather. Music festivals can last anywhere from 2 to 3 days to as long as 1 or 2 weeks.

These are some great tips to help you enjoy the music.

* Friends – Go with as many friends you can. This will increase the fun.

* Drinks and booze You can enjoy the music festival with or without alcohol.

* Money – Take money with you to buy food and to take a trip around the local area. Keep your money safe from thieves.

* You will smell – To avoid the horrible toilets at music festivals, get some vicks vapour. Rub it under your nose before you go to the toilets.

* Wristband: Place the wristband on the opposite arm of the one you eat to go to the bathroom.

Equipment – Take only what you absolutely need. It is not a good idea to have a lot of equipment, especially in the heat.

* Save – Students should save money while they are away on a festival. Many festivals offer a cup recycling program where you can save around 10p to 10c on your next drink by purchasing a drink and returning the cup. These can quickly add up.

* A suitable tent – You should bring a waterproof tent with you in case it rains over night. There is nothing worse than your tent getting soaked overnight while you’re asleep in it.

* Stay together – While you and your friends may be crowded at a concert, make sure you stay together. Music festivals can get very busy. It will be difficult to find your friend after losing them.

* Mark your Territory. This will make it easy to recognize your territory. This is a good idea as it helps you find your tent when you return to your campsite.

Dont forget to bring your favorite music instrument weather it is Bodhran or Concertina to have a wonderful music session